** Your Monthly AstroNews **

 Virgo Psices CancerTaurus

Astrological Greetings, Dear Ones,

2018 is finally drawing to a close, and what a year it has been! I’s been a groundbreaking year for many, and from what I have seen in my office, not an easy one. The Mars, Venus and Mercury retrogrades from April have been somewhat exhausting, and there has been a rehash of what we want, desire, value and how we communicate that. We are now emerging from the fray, a little worse for wear, but with a bright and shiny 2019 awaiting us.

Three of the planets will be in their “home signs” – Saturn in Capricorn, Jupiter in Sagittarius and Neptune in Pisces (according to modern rulerships). What does this mean for us? Well, it means that wherever those areas are in our personal charts will get a wonderful boot and things can flow nicely, as the planets set about doing the work that hey are good at. Saturn in Capricorn will give us that earthy structure and material focus that we need to stay grounded as Jupiter urges us on to greater growth and freedom. Neptune swimming languidly through Pisces is continuing to illuminate spiritual truths for us, test our boundaries and help us develop our compassionate and empathetic mature – as long as we are not drowning in rescuing others.

What’s more, there are no personal planets, other than good old Mercury, going retrograde through the year. We have had our trial by fire and we can hope for a more stable year personally. The real change will come through Uranus entering Taurus, to stay, as from early 2019. Those of us who have perianal planets in Taurus, Aquarius, Leo or Scorpio in the early degrees (0-1 degree) of those signs will have a shakeup. Yes, that is scary for the fixed signs, who like stability and consistency. Yes, it will feel terrifying, but also quite thrilling, once we accept and resist less. This is the key to thriving in this transit, allowing the change to wash over us and liberate us from our stuck ways. Even the fixed signs can’t resist the only constant in life!

Because December is a crazy month, I am doing things a little differently; below is a list of important planetary movements for 2019, and instead of your usually monthly horoscope’s, there are affirmations for each sign to repeat over December. A Fuller monthly report will be available in January, and if you want a year ahead reading, don’t hesitate to book now, as the early part of the year is busier than any other time!

Astrological Dates for 2019 to diarize:

January 05 – Solar Eclipse 15° Capricorn

January 13 – Jupiter square Neptune

January 21 – Lunar Eclipse 01° Leo

January 31 – Saturn sextile Neptune

March 05 – Mercury retrograde 29° Pisces

April 10 – Jupiter retrograde 24° Sagittarius

April 24 – Pluto retrograde 23° Capricorn

April 29 – Saturn retrograde 20° Capricorn

June 16 – Jupiter square Neptune

June 16 – Saturn sextile Neptune

June 21 – Neptune retrograde 18° Pisces

July 02 – Solar Eclipse 10° Cancer

July 07 – Mercury retrograde 04° Leo

July 16 – Lunar Eclipse 02° Capricorn

August 11 – Uranus retrograde 06° Taurus

September 21 – Jupiter square Neptune

October 31 – Mercury retrograde 27° Scorpio

November 8 – Saturn sextile Neptune 

December 15 – Jupiter trine Uranus

December 26, 2019 – Solar Eclipse 04° Capricorn

With that said, as usual, I will be including information for my upcoming workshops, courses and retreats in the emailer. If you wish to just read your ‘scopes, just scroll a little further down and there will be your guidance for the next month!

Tarot Layout

Playing & Practicing Tarot – Your Year ahead, 2019

Join me, Margarita Celeste, Tarot Teacher and Consultant, for fun and games with Tarot Layouts once a month in a class full of avid Tarot Lovers and Enthusiasts!

These fun, intimate and small evenings are guaranteed to grow your knowledge of the cards and of layouts, and give you the opportunity to practice on someone else – without the pressure!

This workshop will be focussed on your year ahead for 2019.

These classes will be kept to ten people, so book now to come and play!


**These workshop evenings are open to those who have basic knowledge of the cards already
**Please book your seat and pay in advance to secure your spot :

First National Bank (FNB)
Current Acc
Code 202309
Acc Number : 62072089701
Miss Margarita Celeste Stoffberg

**Workshop will only be held with 6 or more people



For now, I am taking a little break from talks and events, and will be back in action as from 2019!

If you are a group of four or five, and wish to have a private class at your home, Astrology OR Tarot, simply drop me a line and we can work something out!



The fifth Astrology Basics for Self-Empowerment Course is the fullest it has ever been and growing – this is a course which is always met with great enthusiasm by a new group of dedicated students – this also being the fourth time I have partnered with the School of Intuition and Healing – what a great team we make!

Astrology is rising in popularity, and the sixth course will be running every Monday evening in June 2019. This course gets very full, so please don’t hesitate to book your seat as soon as possible.

To see what students think, here are a few testimonials:

“I really loved your teaching style. I liked that you differentiated between lecturing the content and then allowing the group to do the exploration / application of the knowledge afterwards. This kind of experiential learning I believe to be really beneficial as it grounds the knowledge. “

“I really really enjoyed this course and am excited by the new possibilities for growth that I have access to as a result of having taken this journey with you. Thank YOU  for sharing your gifts and holding the space for me to learn and explore.”

“I loved being with a class of lovely ladies and getting to know myself and others and being in an environment that felt safe, free and that had no expectations or pressure. “

“I thoroughly enjoyed Marg’s teaching style – relaxed yet composed and well-structured. For a young teacher, she seems to have ancient wisdom running through her veins.”

“The guided meditations each were a special and powerful treat!”

“It was a very well-constructed course, Margarita was an excellent teacher and took us through step by step”

Spaces really ARE limited, so please do drop me an email, or email the address on the poster below to book your spot.

SOIH 2019


Our Metavarsity Tarot Course is wonderfully popular, with the current one reaching maximum capacity of 10 people!

The next course has been planned, and will be running from March 2019, so book your seat now to avoid disappointment!

I will also be happy to hold short, 2 hour workshops in Tarot, so if you are a group of people wishing to learn, or simply don’t have the time of money for a longer course, simply get in touch with me!

Tarot Class


Dates and signs of the Moon Cycles for November: 


New Moon , 7 Dec, 15  Sagittarius

This is the time to SET INTENTIONS in the line of something that you want to manifest in your life, as the Moon begins to gather light and grow, shaping our desires and needs, in line with the house that the degree of the New Moon falls into. It is a time to make our dreams come true, and we should align ourselves with what we truly want at this time.

This is a delightful New Moon in Sagittarius, one to celebrate and enjoy – Jupiter is close by so this should be a bit pf a party moon, and a wonderful time to eat, drink and be merry! If there is a social event to be at, try and schedule it around this Moon, and set your intentions to welcome in for fun and play into your life. If you want to travel in the new year, make a vision board at this time, as Sagittarius also rules going to exotic destinations.

The only caution is the square to Mars and Neptune, which could make us quicker to anger, irritable and prone to escapism. We may have to watch for excess or unhealthy escapes.


Full Moon : 22 Dec, 0 Cancer

This is a time to LET GO of something that no longer serves you as the Moon begins to wane, in line with the house that the degree of the Moon falls into. It is also a time in which a light will be shone into that area of life and stirred up. It is a time in which your original intention at New Moon could be fulfilled.

A Full Moon in Cancer is a very emotional one and this will be a beautiful time to be with family and friends, although watch how high your emotions may run. Nurture yourself and those around you, and try to release any negative energies surrounding family matters – start anew, if you can. Saturn in opposition may restrict this free flow, or make things a little harder, and it could be easy for the more sensitive among us to get swept up in pessimism.


**To see how the planets affect you personally, simply access Astro.com to explore your chart, or contact me for an in depth & insightful  reading. **

And to end off, here are your monthly horoscopes, sign by sign, based on your Sun Sign – savour, and enjoy!

  scorpio Sag LeoAries


December Affirmation:

 It’s time for me to let my hair down and have some fun, to put myself out there for new romance and exciting encounters. I will use my time creatively and tap into what I am passionate about. I won’t be too hard on myself or push myself to exhaustion. I compete healthily.


December Affirmation:

This month, I will nourish myself with good food and routines that serve me. I will cook for those I love and show them my care in this way. I will serve others over myself, especially in my day to day work. I will be open to the possibility of falling in love with someone I see every day, and I will welcome creativity into each and every moment.


December Affirmation:

I promise to share equally in my relationships this month. I will try and get over my fear of commitment. I strive to try and think out of the box, and not run others down with my opinions. I will be open minded and willing to expand my thinking style. I will enjoy the optimism that washes over me.


December Affirmation:

This month, I will be open to change and not let it overwhelm me. I allow myself to grieve any losses.  I promise to rest and relax as much as I can, and let my friends nourish me. I am open to forming deep, emotional connections in my friendships and letting them see my vulnerable side, even if I am afraid. I allow myself to experience intense and powerful feelings.


December Affirmation:

I love travelling and going to exotic places, even if it’s just local. I will play wherever I am. I will let my hair down and show the world how much fun I can be. I will let myself be sexual, flirtatious and fun loving. I will try for a baby if I want one, or spend more time with my kids.


December Affirmation:

I will work hard and climb to the top of my game. Even though Mercury is retrograde, I will try not to get frustrated and impatient. Instead, I will focus on expanding my worldview and focus on the positive instead of what could go wrong.  My family is a source of joy to me. I will open my home to everyone and find joy in spending time with my nearest and dearest.


December Affirmation:

I will spend lots of time with my friends, who love and cherish me. I am open to falling in love with a friend. I will become creative about my goals, hopes and aspirations for the future. I will enjoy making plenty of money this month, but be open to change and surprises as well. I may experience disconnections or instability in my relationship, but I will enjoy greater freedom and be able to give it.


December Affirmation:

This month, I will allow myself to retreat a little and rest after a profound and intense year. Things may be hard, and I could suffer, but I will gain a great deal spiritually and grow. I am open to silence and meditation. Despite the difficulties, I will have a lot of fun and find healthy escapes. I celebrate my creativity.


December Affirmation:

This is my time to shine! All the planets have gathered to celebrate me and I am feeling optimistic and hopeful for a great 2019! My mind is open and I am eager to explore and expand my worldview. I will take advantage of every opportunity that comes my way. I will do my nest to look after my body during this festive season.


December Affirmation:

I will make my money work for me this month. Things may seem tight, so I will be wise about where I invest time, energy and resources. I will avoid financial power struggles. I will diligently work towards my goals and communicate what I want directly. I will empower myself financially.


December Affirmation:

I will communicate clearly this month, even though I am not always sure what I want to say until it arises. I will face my past with strength and clear any anxieties holding me back from living my fullest life. I will be wise and disciplined about my finance and navigate obstacles with grace.


December Affirmation:

I will invest my time and energy at home. I will try and be conscious of when I cause conflict unconsciously. I will not run away from family problems, but deal with them head on. I invite love, forgiveness and compassion into my home and for the ones I love. I will allow my creative energy to flow in my home.

For those of us familiar with Astrology, when we hear about the planet Saturn, we shudder and change the subject, thinking back to our Saturn Return at 28-30, or similar times in our lives in which we were forced to grow up, take responsibility, or were tested in some way that was crushing at first, yet liberating and rewarding in hindsight.

Saturn is the planet of hard knocks in the school of life, but is also the planet of reward should we perform our duties well. Should we shirk them, try and escape or hide, Saturn will come along and shake us up again, later, until we finally learn what we came here to learn. Saturn is the planet of Karma, and as we all know, there’s no escaping that.

I used to hate Saturn, as my Vedic (Eastern) ruling planet of my birth chart, and as a main player in my Western chart. Of course, I still struggle with Saturn – we all do – but luckily, I have the gift of perspective that everything, everything is a lesson. And that is what Saturn loves. He wants you to take responsibility, and can create quite a bit of resistance in the area of life he tests us in, until we learn to release and let go.

Saturn has just shifted into the sign of Sagittarius, and with that, into a new area of your birth chart. Lessons or themes that may have been quite prominent in the last few years, will now shift into new areas, for the next 2-3 years.

If you know your rising sign (your Ascendant), these are the areas in life in which Saturn will test you, possibly limit you, but also create much needed change – and better if you know the houses that Saturn rules, these are areas that will additionally be affected :

(**NB this is not the whole picture, as there are many other factors that can make this period easier, or more challenging. For best effect, I suggest a comprehensive birth chart reading or get yours here to see your Rising sign).

Aries | 9th house

Saturn loves the 9th house, and he is in an element friendly to Aries – Fire – so this could be the year that the Aries Ascendant decides to travel to faraway places, or pick up studies again. The 9th house represents our spiritual beliefs, so this is a time in which we will get tested in this regard, and begin to really define what we believe in – it can be a time in which we shed all limitations, especially in the spiritual arena and begin the trust the guru within. And remember, these lessons may not be easy, in the true spirit of Saturn. We’ll have to learn to work within the limits that Saturn gives us in this area, and allow him to narrow our focus. This may also be the year in which we decide to write, and get published, for those of us inclined to literary pursuits. the 9th house wants  us to expand our horizons, and Saturn tends to limit, so pick your path – and stick to it.

Taurus | 8th house

Taurean Ascendants, who so love security, will be tested in the areas of partnership over the next 2/3 years. These tests & limitations will come in the form of any joint resources you share with your partner, be in money, property or a business. It can also be your business partner that these areas of limitations & testing come in. The 8th house, in traditional astrology, has nothing to do with sex, simply the power aspect that sex may bring into your relationship dynamic. Therefore, you can expect this period to bring up any imbalances in this, or other areas of your life. The best way to use Saturn here is to ensure power is shared, that resources are fairly distributed, and to allow self transformation. Sometimes, as the house of death, we can encounter endings of sorts over this time, making way for new beginnings.

Gemini | 7th house

When Saturn transits the angular (strong) 7th house of committed relationships, marriage, open enemies and all one on one relationships, we can expect a complete re-evaluation of our relationships. Here is where Saturn will put us through the grinder, and ask us to look at whether our needs are being met, whether we wish to commit further, or cut our losses and find greener pastures. Relationships that are past their sell by date inevitably end sometimes during this time, or just after, and if we are wise, we leave while the going is good instead of allowing further rot. However, this can also a time of new beginnings, often the start of a fated relationship, or getting married at last. Whatever it is, make sure you are seeing the reality of your relationship and making decisions that serve your authentic self.

Cancer | 6th house

The 6th house is traditionally the house of hard work, the work we do daily to survive – not the glittering career we aspire to, but the slog we do to get there. It is also the house of illness brought on by hard work or stress, and the house of servitude. People with a Cancer ASC can expect to work very hard during this time, to the point of workholism, putting great stress upon their bodies. I ask that you work with care. Saturn could bring in more slog, or even illness to test your fortitude and strength during this time, and to teach you to slow down and nourish yourself. Get the check ups. Delegate the work. Go gently.

Leo | 5th house

The 5th house is the house of play, creativity & light romance. Saturn tends to make everything a little more glum in the house of fun. Saturn can also bring a more committed relationship, with someone older, or someone who is a teacher in some way. This is a time to put structure to your art, whatever it may be, rather than allow the free flow. You may feel quite blocked creatively – this is the transit for the proverbial writer’s block – and although it could seem painful, everything is cyclical, so it is important to allow the winter fallow and be ready for the spring when it arrives. These blocks may also extend to your sexual expression & self expression, so it becomes important to work through any issues in this regard.  You might not feel much like dancing or being social, but that’s ok. Get serious. Work hard. Give up drinking, if needs be, and don’t hold yourself to account for it.

Virgo | 4th house

The 4th house in Astrology is an angular house, which means it’s a house with a great deal of strength and tends to make things happen. The 4th house is your home, your family, where your roots are and the past. It is the house of the father, the ancestors and the house of the subconscious. When Saturn transits the 4th house, we can expect a change of home, a big move in some way. Perhaps someone will move in with you, or you them, or you may relocate. Your father could feature in your life in some way, for good or ill, and lessons learnt in the 4th may be rather challenging. We are expected to take charge & responsibility in some way within our families and learn deep lessons thereof. In this house, we have to be open to the changes and allow ourselves to let go of the past, let it be a teacher. We have to allow any painful experiences to pass over and through us, and let them transform us.

Libra | 3rd house

The 3rd house is the house of communication and words, of short trips and our close environments, our community and our goals, our drives. Saturn transiting this house would create some restriction in how we make ourselves heard, what we say, how we speak. It will lend seriousness and gravity to our words, and perhaps allow us to begin thinking of writing a book, a course, or even teaching. Saturn here will make us want to stay close to home, work hard on our goals in life, and achieve our desires. This is not an easy process, and we can expect plenty of obstacles on the way but if we persist, we win. Saturn here may also test our relationships with siblings, so it becomes important to approach conflict with a balanced and mature attitude.

Scorpio | 2nd house

The 2nd house is everything to do with our own resources, as opposed to the 8th house, which is others’ resources. It is the house of self worth, and sometimes our diet and what we eat. Subsequently, we can expect a tightening of finances and our material situation to be restrictive in some way. The lesson to learn, is to become responsible in how we deal with our finances – perhaps we have been spendthrifts and our reckoning has come, Ultimately, Saturn will teach us the art of clever budgeting and that our self worth, our value, is not synonymous with what we have in the bank. Saturn can also test our self esteem over this time, and at times we may sink into feelings of worthlessness, where we are challenged to pull ourselves out and see our true selves – not the selves we base on what we own.

Sagittarius | 1st house

Wild, free Sagittarian Ascendants can expect to have to become much more responsible than they would like over these next few years. This is a crucial period, a brand new cycle that has started, and in this house of personal identity, we may feel as if the ropes are tightening around us, limiting our self expression, and at times, it may feel oh so heavy, being this responsible. But if we allow Saturn to do his job, we may step into prominence and become “someone” in the world, of stature, and some importance as well as allowing ourselves to become a fully mature individual. This house of the physical body could also affect us on this level, pushing us to train harder than we are used to, take our bodies to the limits. This is not advisable under this transit, and I would encourage you to stop, take a deep breath and rest where needed. We may push ourselves further than we need to.

Capricorn | 12th house

The 12th house is traditionally the house of sacrifice, sorrow, self undoing and spiritual solutions through crisis. It is the house of hidden and unconscious behaviors that ultimately sabotage us or, if realized, are our salvation. During this period, it will be important to rest and lay low, to go inside and to allow anything that no longer serves to die, to make space for the new. This is the house of potential transcendence, the house that we can use to completely transform or drown. We may feel called to do spiritual work, or to work deeply inside our inner worlds, to dream. We may also push ourselves toward destruction so it becomes important to maintain consciousness during this time. This is also a time in which to learn to make sacrifices for what we deem important later down the line, and the lessons thereof may be rather challenging. Make peace with the sacrifices and see the rewards that will ultimately come of that.

Aquarius | 11th house

Saturn transiting through the house of dreams, ideals, wishes, friends, and what we get out of our careers, creates a solidification in these areas of life, and some challenge. We are pushed to create the life we want, through hard work, and patience. Goals aimed for now, need to be worked diligently towards and any idealism to be replaced by realism. We may find our friends circle become a little smaller, or that we welcome in friends who teach us, or are older than us. We become serious about the people we associate with, and join groups that mean something to us, authentically. Sometimes this transit can bring a pay cut in some way, or issues with our salaries that teach us to be thriftier. We can also expect lessons around learning to receive in general, especially when it comes to love. Old lessons around loving ourselves can rear their head and it can be quite painful to work through, although work we must.

Pisces | 10th house

In this last, angular house of the astrological places, career changes are paramount. Saturn as the planet of authority has a resonance with this house of career and what we stand out for in the world. We can expect a change of career, which shoots us into prominence or teaches us important career lessons that ultimately mature us. These changes can often happen in the job we are currently doing, and we may find ourselves in a position of great authority. We may feel quite resistant to the change, and may struggle against the flow but need to ultimately surrender to life, and trust that we are being borne to our true destiny, in which what we DO matches who we really ARE.